Commissions are only open during school breaks and during summer.
ASK - ME !

Sketch - $ 5

A basic sketch, nothing else, nothing more. Would take the least amount of time.

Line - $ 10

Linework would most likely be curvey with smooth lines. Takes longer than just sketching.
Fine point lining would cost an extra $ 5 because of the need to sharpen every line.

Color - $ 15

You wish for the drawing to have color, but be careful what you wish for ! The color might not look good with just a sketch over it, best if you get line with color too !

Shading - $ 20

I go over the color layer and I do my typical soft shading which takes about an extra 15 minutes to an hour to complete.

Shining - $ 25

Can be done without shading but will include minimal shading anyways. Shining is the act of making the art piece look shinier by adding an extra bright light source, which will take as long as shading does.

Head Shot - $ 10

You only want the head and maybe a bit of the chest. If you want just the head consider paying for a badge.

Half Body - $ 15

May or may not include the thighs, but is merely just half of the body. This would probably double the time it takes to complete a drawing.

Full Body - $ 20

Doing a full body can be a challenge, and it takes a lot of time. Be wary if you want a full body and don't have a lot of patience !

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